Unit 1: The Earth in the Universe                                            1   2   3   4



1.2. Components and origin of the Universe

The Universe is all the matter, energy and space that exist.


The theory which explains its origin is called the Big Bang.

According to this theory a giant explosion created the Universe. Matter, at very high temperature, expanded and got cooler to form huge clouds of gases called nebulae.


Those nebulae developed into galaxies formed by thousands of millions of stars.


The Universe is made up of galaxies

Galaxies are made up of stars,

interstellar dust and gases.

They are separated by enormous distances

and are grouped in galaxy clusters.


Our galaxy is the Milky Way.

It is a spiral galaxy with four arms.

It belongs to the Local Group galaxy cluster.


Stars are celestial bodies which emit their own light.

They are made up of hydrogen (H) and helium (He).

Their temperature is very high and their nucleus

suffers nuclear reactions which release

a large amount of energy, light and heat into the space.       


A galaxy can have between 100,000 

and 500,000 millions of stars.

Among them, there are huge clouds

of gases and interstellar dust.


Our star is the Sun

and it is located in one of the arms

of the Milky Way.


Many stars have planetary systems

Our planetary system is the Solar System.

It is made up of eight planets.

Planets are bodies which orbit a star.

Our planet is the Earth.


Some planets have satellites.

They are bodies which orbit a planet.


The Earth has one natural satellite,

the Moon.



After reading the text, copy and answer the following questions into your notebook:

Remember: you must make complete sentences.


1.5. Which are the main components of the Universe?

       The main components of the universe are...


1.6. Indicate the name of:

  • Our galaxy ..................The name of our galaxy is... 
  • Our star .....................
  • Our planetary system....
  • Our planet ..................
  • Our satellite ................


1.7. Define:

  • Universe ..................... The Universe is...
  • Star ...........................
  • Planet .........................
  • Satellite ......................


1.8. What is the theory that explains the origin of the Universe? 

        How it do it?







1. 2. Components and origin of the Unive
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Download this worksheet

and complete it,

                 while you listen this audio.

1.2. Components and origin of the Univer
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Now, in turns with your partner,

answer the questions in the worksheet.



1   2   3   4



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  Merrian Webster

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  Linguaframe 2ESO 

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  Web elements 

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  Eva Mª

  López Rodríguez



  Biología y Geología


  IES " J. S. Elcano"

  Sanlúcar de Barrameda