Unit 5: Living beings                                                      1   2   3   4   5



4. The vital functions


a) Nutrition function


It involves all the processes to obtain the energy and the substances that living beings need to stay alive and grow.

According to this function, we can distinguish between two kinds of living beings:


       - Autotrophic organisms

 Autotrophs produce their own organic matter from inorganic matter.

The most important kind of autotrophic nutrition is photosynthesis.

They are plants, algae and some bacteria.


       - Heterotrophic organisms

 Heterotrophs take organic matter made by other living beings.

They are animals, fungi and many microorganisms,

like protozoa and some bacteria.

In order by the type of food they eat, the heterotrophic organisms

are classified into:


    - Herbivores (they eat plants; e.g. cows)

    - Carnivores (they eat meat; e.g. lions)

    - Omnivores (they eat meat and plants; e.g. humans)

    - Saprophytes (they eat decaying organic matter; e.g. fungi)


b) Interaction function


It is a group of processes, which allows living beings:

- To interact with their environment (with other living beings and with their


- To perceive what is happening in the inside of the organism itself.


They have sensitivity; that is they are able to react to different circumstances.


The change able to cause a reaction in an organism is called stimulus

and the reaction itself is called response.


c) Reproduction function


Living beings are able to create descendants in order to assure the survival of their species.


There are two types of reproduction:


 - Asexual reproduction

Only an individual creates the descendants.

These individuals are genetically identical to their progenitors.

It can be able through specialized cells (spores) or not (fragmentation)

It is typical of bacteria, plants like ferns and some invertebrates, among others.


      - Sexual reproduction

There are two individuals of different sex.

They produce a sexual cell called gamete (ovule and spermatozoid).

Both gametes join together to make a zygote. A new individual will grow from that zygote.

The descendants are similar, but no identical to their progenitors.

Plants and vertebrates belong to this group.




After reading the text, copy and answer the following questions into your notebook:

Remember: you must make complete sentences.


4.1. Complete the following sentences related to the function of nutrition:


a.  There are two types of nutrition: ……………………… nutrition, natural to ……………………….and……………………nutrition, characteristic of ……………………

b. The organisms which have autotrophic nutrition make the ……………….

    matter that they need from……………..……matter

c. ………………………… is the most important kind of autotrophic nutrition.

d. Plants and other photosynthetic organisms use energy from


e. They obtain the inorganic matter from the ……………………. (carbon dioxide

    and ………………) and from the ………....... (mineral salts and …………………...)

f. Organisms with…......................... nutrition depends on the organisms with …....................nutrition to live, because they feed up of ............. 


4.2. Mark which of the following creatures have autotrophic nutrition

        and which ones have heterotrophic nutrition.

4.3. Indicate if the following sentences, which refers to the interaction

       function, are true (T) or false (F):


a. Responses are the reactions of living beings to a stimulus

b. Stimuli are all environmental changes able to cause a response in a living


c. Interaction function allows living beings their adaptation to new

    environmental conditions

d. Plants, as they cannot move, are unable to respond to environmental


e. Animals can feel the changes around them thanks to their sense organs

f. Unicellular organisms are unable to detect changes in environment

   or to react to them


4.4. Complete the chart with the characteristics of sexual and asexual


a)    It is made through gametes.

b)    The sex doesn´t exist.

c)    Only one parent is necessary.

d)    Specialized cells aren´t needed.

e)    Descendants are similar to parents.

f)     Two parents are absolutely necessary.

g)    Descendants are identical to parents.

h)    There are two different sexes.

Now, listen and indentify which sentence corresponds to each type of reproduccion.

4.5. Listen and relate each sentence with the correspondent vital function:

a. Nutrition function

b. Interaction function

c. Reproduction function






4. Functions of living beings (Answer ke
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