5. Nutritional disorders and diseases
Food-related diseaseses are those which are due to malnutrition or bad diet, as well as different forms of food poisoning, caused by the consumption of food or drink contaminated by microorganisms.
a) Malnutrition
An inadequate diet can cause disorders in the body and illness,
which can be serious or even fatal.
Malnutrition occurs when the quantity of food eaten is not enough to satisfy the body's nutritional needs. There are different types of malnutrition. The main ones are:
- Undernutrition:
- Wasting or marasmus, which happens when there is
prolonged dietary deficiency on protein and calories.
It is typical of underdeveloped countries
of the Third World which suffer starving.
- Kwashiorkor, which is caused by a serious lack
of protein in the diet.
- Deficiency Diseases
- Inadequate ingestion of some vitamin.
Avitaminosis is caused by the lack or deficiency.
An example of avitaminosis is scurvy, caused by
a lack of vitamin C.
In contrast, hypervitaminosis occurs, when
vitamins may accumulate in the organism.
- Inadecuate ingestion of some mineral. An example is rickets, which is caused by the lack of calcium and phosphorus. It causes deformities of the bones and deficient growth. This illness is common in poor countries, due to the lack of food.
- Psychological diseases related to feeding
- Anorexia nervosa is due to a psychological disorder which means that the sufferer has a distorted image of his or her body. Because of this disorder, frequent among adolescents, the sufferers are afraid of gaining weight, so they do excessive physical exercise and follow a very strict diet.
- Bulimia is often accompanied by anorexia nervosa. Those who suffer from this disease eat enormous amounts of food and then provoke vomiting so that they don't gain weight.
- Overnutrition
The illness caused by eating
too much includes obesity,
characterised by excessive body
fat. Obesity is a risk factor for
those with heart diseases,
diabetics (who accumulate a large
amount of glucose in the blood)
or those suffering from hypertension
(people whose arterial blood pressure
is higher than that which is healthy).
b) Food poisoning
Food poisoning may occur from eating food contaminated with bacteria, viruses, protozoa or other parasites; or because of the ingestion of food contaminated with chemical substances, such as pesticides, for example.
The main types of food poisoning caused by bacteria are salmonellosis
and botulism.
- Salmonellosis is caused by eating food
contaminated with bacteria of the Salmonella
genus. These bacteria are usually found in
contaminated water, badly conserved
foods containing egg (mayonnaise, sauces,
etc.) and meat. Its symptoms are headaches,
vomiting and diarrhoea. It is particularly
serious in children and old people.
- Botulism is caused by eating food contaminated with the toxins produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. This illness is characterised by the appearance of neurological disorders and it can be lethal. The usual cause is eating tinned food in bad condition.
After reading the text, copy and answer the following questions into your notebook:
Remember: you must make complete sentences.
5.1. What consequences can have to the health of these people
their behaviours?
a. Marisa loves Italian cuisine and her feeding is composed basically
by pizza and pasta.
b. Luis, worried about his weight has decided eat only fruit, salads
and skimmed yogurt.
5.2. El body mass index (BMI) is a measurement used to know if a person
has the correct weight. It is obtained dividing the body mass
expressed in kilograms and the square of the height expressed
in centimetres.
Calculate your BMI and compare the result with the table.
Is your weight healthy?
5.3. Classify these diseases into food transmitted diseases, psychological
diseases related to feeding, nutritional deficiency diseases,
undernutrition or overnutrition: Anorexia, Botulism, Obesity, Scurvy,
Marasmus, Bulimia, Rickets, Salmonelosis, Kwashiorkor, Goiter.
5.4. Why are more frequently infections by Salmonella during
the summer?