1. Nutrition function
Nutrition is the set of processes, which allow living beings obtain energy and matter to stay alive.
Living means to be able to perform the vital functions (nutrition, interaction and reproduction) and elaborate the own matter in order to replace and repair the damaged parts of the organism.
Nutrition is a complex function in which takes part several organ systems.
Each one of them carries out part of the process and they depend on each other to complete it.
These organ systems are:
- Digestive system. It processes and transforms food to obtain
nutrients which cells are able to assimilate.
- Respiratory system. It obtains oxygen from air and expels
carbon dioxide from the vital activity.
- Circulatory system. Its function is to distribute nutrients
and oxygen throughout the body and collets the waste substances
and carbon dioxide from cells.
- Excretory system. Its function is to expel the waste substances
out of the body.
After reading the text, copy and answer the following questions into your notebook:
Remember: you must make complete sentences.
1.1. Nutrients are essential substances which living beings need
to stay alive. Where can they find them?
1.2. What organ systems are involved in bringing oxygen
to every cell of the body? And glucose?
1.3. Listen and indicate what body system related with the nutrition function
is described:
a. Digestive system
b. Respiratory system
c. Circulatory system
d. Excretory system