Unit 11:  Heat and temperature                                    1   2   3   4   5   6



6. Conductors and insulators

Thermal conductivity  is the capability of substances to conduct heat.

We can differentiate between thermal conductors and thermal insulators.


- Thermal conductors  transmit thermal energy quickly from one point to another: for example, silver, copper, aluminium and all other metals.



   - Thermal insulators transmit thermal energy slowly from one point to another:

      for example, porous or fibrous substances that have air inside, such as brick,

      wood or cork.




After reading the text, copy and answer the following questions into your notebook:

Remember: you must make complete sentences.


6.1. Classify the following substances as thermal insulators or thermal conductors: copper, glass, water, steel, wood, brass, aluminium, iron, cork, plastic, porexpan, tin, air, silver.


6.2. Thermos flasks are containers used to store liquids that we want

        to keep at the same temperature for many hours. The container is

        a hermetic bottle which structure is shown in the picture.

        Explain how the thermos flask prevents heat’s loss by conduction,

        convection and radiation.



Download this worksheet

and complete it,

               while you listen this audio.

11.3. The propagation of heat.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 697.5 KB

1   2   3   4   5   6



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  Eva Mª

  López Rodríguez



  Biología y Geología


  IES " J. S. Elcano"

  Sanlúcar de Barrameda