2. Reproduction in animals
The life cycle is the joint of stages through undergo an organism during its life,
from it starts as zigote until it becomes an adult able to reproduce.
In an animal’s life cycle it is possible to distinguish several phases during
which the organism changes:
- Fertilisation. The gametes join together to form the zygote.
- Embryonic development. The zygote divides many times to form the embryo.
This embryo grows and develops until the birth.
- Post-embryonic development. It goes from birth to the acquisition of
the reproductive maturity.
The organism (young) grows and matures to acquire the characteristics
of the adults.
- Reproduction. The organism produces new individuals. This stage can be
repeated several times during its life, until it finally dies.
After reading the text, copy and answer the following questions into your notebook:
Remember: you must make complete sentences.
2.1. Identify the phases of the gull’s life cycle. Then listen and relate each description
with the correspondant