Unit 5: The structure of the ecosystems                      1   2   3   4   5   6



6. Ecological niche and habitat


In the ecosystems, living beings occupy a habitat and an ecological niche. These two concepts are closely related but they are different.


- The habitat is the typical physical place where a species lives. This place provides

   the most favourable natural conditions the species needs to survive and develop:

   temperature, humidity, food, etc.


- An ecological niche is the role a species plays in an ecosystem. It describes

   how an organism  lives in an ecosystem: where it finds shelter, how it obtains

   food, how it finds mate, etc.

If we compare the habitat

to a person’s house,

then the niche would be

the person’s profession.


The same habitat has several niches.

So a barn owl and a mouse live in

the same habitat, the steppe,

but they occupy different niches.

Mice are herbivores, while

barn owls are carnivores.

However, it is possible that two species occupy the same niche, but this situation cannot be permanent. If two species would have exactly the same needs (eat the same food, require the same temperature, and so on) they will compete with each other and the species which adapt best will exclude the other one. To avoid it the species develop adaptations aimed for  minimise competition.

For example, zebras and giraffes are herbivores that live in the same habitat, the savannah. They are adapted to explode the same resource, the plants, but giraffes feed on leaves at the top of the trees, while zebras feed on leaves at ground level. In this way they avoid to compete. The share the same habitat, but occupy different ecological niches.




After reading the text, copy and answer the following questions into your notebook:

Remember: you must make complete sentences.


6.1. Complete these chart:



Ecological niche

African elephant



Unicellular algae



Iberian lynx



Decomposer bacteria




6.2. Why is it impossible that two species share the same habitat?

        Can they share the same ecological niche?

6.3. Listen and choose the correct word in each case:


The habitat of a population/community is the place that supplies the needs of this population, such as water/air and food. The habitat where a population lives and the range of environmental/biological conditions that are suitable for the survival/extinction of the population determine the ecological habitat/niche.


Each species occupies a specific niche in the biocenosis/ecosystem.

If two different populations require the same/different ecological niche, they will compete/share for it.







1   2   3   4   5   6



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  Eva Mª

  López Rodríguez



  Biología y Geología


  IES " J. S. Elcano"

  Sanlúcar de Barrameda